August 19, 2009

Campus Experience

Very recently I visited an Engg. College which is probably ranked amongst the top 15 colleges in India to hire final year students. These students currently are in their 7th semester. It was very amazing to find that lot of these students were not even aware of basics [of course, this is my perspective]. During the course of interviews, I ended up asking one of the students why people are unaware of such things, and he told me, "Sir, what is the need when you have Google?" While it can be music to Google's ears but it left me thinking whether this so-called Google approach is better than the traditional one !

Well, I don't think there is a straight answer but, I believe, it is the underlying thought process which is more important. Today, it seems, most of the students assume that since they have access to Google, they need not bother about finding out "why" something is the way it is. And, to some degree it is true, but I don't think it works when one maps the same logic to everyday living. When one is faced with a human-behavioral situation one won't have the time to check it on Google why it is so, in order to respond to it in a better way. Just wondering if the young generation is thinking about this or not :-? Or may be they think that acquiring knowledge is equivalent to building an in-memory database, which has no practical use. Humnn ...


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